Sunday, July 6, 2008


Morning.. Go church with Sarah and her owner.. Or.. Landlord..? Yea.. Landlord they called.. Owner like.. He own Sarah? OMG... funny ah this one.. keke ^.^ Erm... After church.. Talk talk or socialise with a church member.. Named Yee Mei.. From Sandakan de.. Meanwhile waiting for Sarah's landlord.. After awhile.. He came out and we can go home.. And this is the first time he send us home.. Cuz like before.. He just send us to IGA or where ever else.. Just not back home.. =) Who know when back home.. Leong asked if I want to get something else to eat.. And we decided to take KFC in Karawara.. Yupp Yupp! KFC.. I still love the one in KK.. Now I understand why they said KFC in other countries are not tasty as KK.. Cuz the one I ate just now was not crispy at all and the fries.. Not delicious.. Plus they don't have pepsi in cups.. All in cans.. Just too sweet to drink and I choose Mountain Dew.. Cuz Mountain Dew is better than anything else.. I never tried Solo.. But I think is okay cuz Ronnie love it.. and will bring back to her when I back KK.. While waiting for bus.. Still got time.. Make a call to mom first.. OopPsS.. Heard that baby Eliza fell down... Irene!! Just be sure you take good care of your own child k? OMG.. This mama.. ^.^ and ah.. Irene did call me when I'm back at home and said that she was asking if I want to go Singapore with her.. Again.. I still remember the previous time I went to Singapore also with her.. Sleep on the same bed tim.. But now she said she want to bring Baby along.. Ahh.. Just don't forget your baby while you shopping or what ah..! And remember to bring me along cuz I can take care of her.. hehe =) and bring her to play here and there.. A bit nervous of tomorrow.. First day of school.. Excited and Tension..! Can I meet good lecturer? Can I meet good classmates? I wish I can and I pray hard that I can meet good friends in especially Econs Class.. Cuz still don't know which of my ex-classmates is taking Economics Class with me.. But I guess everything will be alright? Pray for me girls and boys.. And it's time to sleep so that won't be tired tomorrow! oOppPsS.. still on Cam with Ronnie.. in this hour?? Good night~ See ya and Noren gu desnuvink.. God Bless~
In Bus Stop in Uni.. While waiting for Bus 34!
KFC oh! But I still love KK's~
In public phone talking with Mom..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dun eat too much KFC not healthy First day of ur 2nd sem...mum wish you Can meet good lecturer.. Can meet good classmates.. wish u can meet good friends in ur Econs Class..actually u never to worry about it of all.. Cuz god hand always be ur side to guide and give u faith and love u always . everything will be right! pray more...Pray hard.... And god will listen to ur prayer..take care and god bless u..