Ahhh.. This would be the replacement for last night's. And here's the recipes with pictured step-by-step teaching how to make a easy pasta, as for me, I love to cook but if not because of these instant pasta, I won't be able can eat them in the easiest and fastest way. Somemore, I don't need to wash so much pan and pot. Okay, here it's come.
Firstly, you need to prepare this ingredients.
1 pack of chopped Bacon (about 125g)
1 glass of reduced-fat milk (full cream also can)
1 tablespoon of butter
2 tablespoon of onion (personal preference)
3/4 glass of water (make sure it is lesser than the milk)
1 pack of San Remo Instant Pasta (or Continental)
Here's come the steps for cooking a easiest pasta:
Step 1
Get a spoon of butter, fried onion and bacon.
Until it is golden brown and smells good.
Step 2
Pour the milk and water into the pot and stir ituntil the onion and bacon mixed in the milk.
Step 3
After the milk mixture is hot enough,
add in a pack of single snack instant pasta.
Step 4
Continue stirring the pasta until the milkmixture
cover it. Bring to boil. (It's around 5 minutes, but
if you use macaroni will a bit longer time-taking)
Step 5
The pasta is now cooked and ready to serve.
Isn't it easy?? It doesn't take 10 minutes to cook a pasta. Try it! And you will love it!!Rubylike~